Friday, 1 February 2013

Evaluation - Question 2

I have interviewed a fellow student and asked them to give their thoughts on the effectiveness of the combination of my video and my ancillary work:

From this video I am able to see that it is easy to link my ancillary work and video. It tells me that the effectiveness is of a good standard, and people can clearly understand both are from the same artist, promoting her music.

At the start of this project, our group identified our target audience primarily as teenage girls. I believe my ancillary texts are extremely attractive to them and this is for many reasons.

1. The use of 'Kiss FM' to rate the album attracts anyone who finds the radio station good, which is a radio station that largely attracts our target audience.
2. The smile used on each picture is extremely welcoming to any potential customers or fans.
3. The font type and colour is what some may call 'girly', which in turn attract the audience that we have identified. The use of the colour red on a grey background also enables it to thoroughly stand out.

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