Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Music video analysis

The reason why I have chosen to do an analysis of International Love by Pitbull featuring Chris Brown is simply because of editing. I personally think the editing in this music video is very good. The cuts, transitions and effects used were very successful and effective as they corresponded with the lyrics and tempo of the song.

5 elements I like from this music video

1- Personally I think the whole video is a good example of the these cuts, effects and transitions which makes it so easy to pick out examples.  For instance at the very beginning of the video it starts of with a globe and showing different countries. Straight away this connects with the title of the song. 

2- Then from 00:12 seconds to 00:20 we see various shots such as, wide shot, close ups and long shots of the two artist. This is effective because it introduces them straight away and grabs our attention.

3- Then during the chorus of the song, it switches to a green screen. This is something I intend to use in my music video. Already I can see how my music video will look like. 

4- Another element from miss en scene which I really like is the use of lighting. Again, throughout the whole music video different lights is used and this makes the music video more dynamic. 

5- During the second verse which starts at 1:46, the cuts do not last more than 3 seconds. I really want to use the same idea in my music video because of the tempo my track possesses. I also like how during the second verse they integrated the globe again. This adds on more effect to the video.

Applying theories to the video

This music video can easily be applied to Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze. There are various shots of the women dancers connoting sexual thoughts and posing in a sexual way to attract the male audience. Below are two screenshot of examples. 

Laura Mulvey would argue that these women are purposely used to give pleasure to men. This is by the way they are dressed and also what they are doing. 

Another theory which can be applied to this music video is "Analysing Media Language in Music Video" by Carol Verallis. She argues that there isn't continuity editing. This is so that the viewer draws their attention to what is on the screen In this case, what is on the screen are the artists which fans draws their attention to. This is a great way to attract the target audience. An additional point by her is that base tracks are used so that the video has a structure. In International Love I counted four base tracks. 

Overall I think this music video is a great example of what music should be like. It includes many elements which make a music video such as lights, costume, different locations and women to attract male viewers. 

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