Monday, 26 November 2012

Process of Editing - Soundtrack

During editing, we noticed that the music video was not fast enough. Although we had loads of shots and cuts, they still felt quite slow. So we went went back and re-marked the song again but this time we marked it on the 1st, 2nd and 4th beat.

After adding more markers on the song, we were able to cut up the basetracks even more and make the cuts more up beat. Below you can see two screenshots which shows the difference between before we adding in the marers and after.



Now that we have more cuts in the bastracks, we can easily remove the bits we do not want. Below is a short section of our music video with fast cuts to go along with the tempo of the song. This is an example of conventions of music video where, Carol Venallis states music videos should consist of fast edits that are cut to the beats of the song.

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