Thursday, 4 October 2012

Research: Favourite Previous Student Video

Jem, Zakariya, Courtney, Fuzail from 283goswell on Vimeo.

The above video is my favourite previous student video. This is for many reasons. I like the rooftop used, which adds extra scenery to the video, and also the numerous settings used, which we plan to accomplish as a group. We want to visit various locations and film, and in-turn bring them all into one video successfully. 

I also like the use of the 'quadruple split screen' - I feel it adds to the video as a whole, and shows a very accomplished use of editing, as it involves a high set of skills to do this.

As well as the above mentioned, I like the use of props in the video. There are two guitars constantly in view, which add to the characters of the two performing. The guitars also appeal to certain audiences, which is something we could try and emulate in our video, using different props which relate to our main target audience. 

Finally, I like the use of the 'over the shoulder' shot at the end of the video, which then transpires into an extreme long shot of the sky and sun.

Overall, the video is a very good one, and it's easy to tell a lot of hard work has been put in to it. 

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